Ministries & Missions

Ministries & Missions

Missions Trips

Liminal Church of Ventura has formed relationships with missionary agencies who serve Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, Brazil, the Soviet Union and in parts of Asia.  Various teams engage in short term mission work in these countries on a regular basis.  Some mission trips are specifically geared to family involvement, and children are welcome to participate along with their parents.  We believe that participation in missions trips, whether short term or more lengthy, enriches our own faith and broadens our experience of the kingdom of God.  Watch the website to see when the next opportunity for service is scheduled.


We believe that living as a follower of Jesus means loving God with heart, soul, mind and strength (Matthew 22:37). That means we engage our faith with discernment and reasoning. At the Liminal we offer a broad range of classes throughout the year on Sunday mornings at 9:00am.  During each 10-week session we generally offer one class on an aspect of spiritual formation, one on the Bible, and one that is practical in nature (for instance, parenting, marriage enrichment, etc.). Wherever you are in your faith journey, we offer classes to stimulate your mind and deepen your understanding.


Spiritual formation is not something that we do to ourselves for ourselves, but something we allow God to do in us and for us as we yield ourselves to the work of God’s transforming grace in us, and also in the world around us.

We believe that we live life from the “inside out.”  Therefore, no matter our stage of faith, we need to continually grow, transform, and to become more and more like Christ. We do this mostly by engaging the practices that Christ himself demonstrated as our role model, and surrendering to God’s work in our lives. Liminal Church of Ventura believes that we are called to support all who come our way however we can, on their individual faith journeys. 

We strongly encourage the practice of spiritual disciplines as a way of putting ourselves in a posture to receive God’s grace. Spiritual disciplines are practices and behaviors that we adopt in order to open ourselves up to God and to nurture spiritual growth. They transform our inner being and are manifested in our outward behavior. They put us in the ways of God and as a result, we become transformed, and conformed to the image of Christ.

Spiritual Formation Coordinator
For more information about spiritual formation, spiritual disciplines or spiritual direction, contact Gini Downing by e-mail at

The Blend (Youth)

The Blend brings Jr. High and High School students together with a diverse group of fun-loving leaders for rich, fun-filled Sunday and Tuesday groups. Our Tuesdays (or Blendsdays as we call them) offer fun and community. Every Sunday, we offer worship, games, teaching, and small group discussions. These discussions are where the real impact is made in our students’ lives. This is where real relationships are truly made. We believe building these relationships and community will allow for trust and…

Prayer & Care

PRAYER The vision of the Prayer Ministry is to see prayer become a normal part of our Christian lifestyle, where praying for others and receiving prayer is natural for everyone.  We hope that prayer will permeate every aspect of our lives, and every aspect of the Liminal Church of Ventura — a natural flow of prayer, in which everyone can participate. PRAYER CHAIN Members pray for requests submitted on the “Connection Cards” that are received from our Sunday services, as…


Black History Month Resource List Black HistoryBlack American History Crash Course, video series. Fifty videos about the experience of Black people in America, from the first enslaved Black people who arrived at Jamestown all the way to the Black Lives Matter movement. 28 Days of Black History. Free daily email series highlighting a moment in Black culture through art, music, literature or another work.–ArmkU8hdOdFSVoNDO-IZk7wKDylFJaCCrDXs9J0mGYUM33Y5k-3VGLA82X5oQsirz-UKE0rz1DgsQVj0F1G6s5mTrlw Where my people at? with Dr. Raquel Baker. A video series highlighting the lives of…

Guatemala Christmas Drive

The Liminal Church of Ventura community has been involved with Guatemala for some time. In the last 6 years, we have focused mostly on Machaquilá at an orphanage called Ahicam, where there are 30 children currently living. This Christmas, we want to do something special for these kids. We’re asking you, as members of the Liminal Church of Ventura, to give what you can. Our goal is to raise $30/child, which is $900. Though our goal is $30/child, if you…

Liminal Kids

Who We Are As a small church, our Children’s Ministry might be short on large programs, but our big goal is that each child and family that comes through our doors will find a joyful and loving environment to explore who God is and how precious and beloved they are. We use the Great Big Bible Story Walkthrough for our curriculum and fill the morning with free play, Bible stories, songs, crafts and games. We spend time on “wonder questions,” giving kids…