Black History Month Resource List
Black History
Black American History Crash Course, video series. Fifty videos about the experience of Black people in America, from the first enslaved Black people who arrived at Jamestown all the way to the Black Lives Matter movement.
28 Days of Black History. Free daily email series highlighting a moment in Black culture through art, music, literature or another work.–ArmkU8hdOdFSVoNDO-IZk7wKDylFJaCCrDXs9J0mGYUM33Y5k-3VGLA82X5oQsirz-UKE0rz1DgsQVj0F1G6s5mTrlw
Where my people at? with Dr. Raquel Baker. A video series highlighting the lives of Black people in and around Ventura County.
Black Authors
Poetry Foundation. Poems, articles, and podcasts that explore African American history and culture.
62 Books by Black authors recommended by TED speakers. The link includes descriptions of each book.
50 KidLit & YA Books with Black Protagonists.
Black Artists
National Gallery of Art. African American artists in the collection.
Black Excellist. A video highlighting ten black visual artists.
Long Time Coming, Michael Eric Dyson
● A conversation with those killed by law enforcement integrating the history and experiences of Black lives in the USA.
The Deepest South of All, Richard Grant
● The history of race in Natchez, Mississippi incorporating the history of enslaved and whites in the region through the lens of open houses of historical plantations.
How to be Anti-Racist, Ibram Kendi
● An exploration of structural racism from both a personal, communal, national perspective.
Also by Kendi, Stamped from the Beginning, one of the best historical documentation of life and experiences of African Origin peoples.
Begin Again, Eddie Glaude
● Looking back at James Baldwin’s life and impact of his scholarship and life.
The Color of Law, Richard Rothstein
● Examination of structural racism in the justice system.
The Stony Road, Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
● Examination and exploration of the building of the capitalist system on the enslaved. Speaks about the resiliency of African Americans under structural racism.
The Soul of America, Jon Meacham
● A look back at the USA highlighting the strengths and challenges faced in each generation. Includes systemic oppression of people of color.
A Black Women’s History of the US, Daina Ramey Berry & Kali Nicole Gross
● A must read to understand the numbers of Black women who survived and thrived and led movements for equity from the early 1600’s.
Dog Whistle Politics: How Coded Racial Appeals Reinvented Racism and Wrecked the Middle Class, Ian Haney Lopez
Education Week website: How to get Black History Right- Perspectives on Social Studies by Gloria Ladson-Billings.
Social Media
These are Instagram handles. Some will be on Facebook as well, some on Twitter and some have their own websites. There are so many wonderful teachers, activists and resources – start following a few and they will lead you to others. Remember, as white folks, we DO NOT want to send direct messages to these folks, asking for their time and labor for free. These are people to learn from and listen to. They have differences in how they like to engage – it’s important to pay attention to what those are and be
respectful of their boundaries.
Aja Barber @ajabarber
Alicia Garza @chasinggarza
Ally Henny @allyhenny
Amanda Gorman @amandascgorman
Amanda Seales @amandaseales
Angela Rye @angelarye
Anti Racism Resource Guide @antiracismresourceguide
Attorney Ben Crump @attorneycrump
Austin Channing Brown @austinchanning
Black Lives Matter @blklivesmatter
Blair Imani @blairimani
Brittany Packnett Cunningham @mspackyetti
Campaign Zero @campaignzero
Charlene A Carruthers
Check Your Privilege @ckyourprivilege
CodeSwitch podcast @nprcodeswitch
Color of Change @colorofchange
Desiree Adaway @desireeadaway
Ericka Hart @ihartEricka
Feminista Jones @feministajones
From Privilege to Progress @privtoprog
Grassroots Law Project @grassrootslaw
Ibram X. Kendi @ibramxk
Ijeoma Oluo @ijeomaoluo
Isabel Wilkerson @isabelwilkerson
Janet Mock @janetmock
Lee Merritt @meritlaw
Lindsay Peoples Wagner @lpeopleswagner
Martin Luther King, III @officialMLK3
Mireille C. Harper @mireillecharper
Movement for Black Lives @mvmnt4blklives
Niki Franco (Venus Roots) @venusroots
No White Saviors @nowhitesaviors
Patricia A. Taylor @patricia_a_taylor
Patrisse Cullors-Brignac @osopepatrisse
Rachel Cargle @rachel.cargle
Rachel Ricketts @iamrachelricketts
Reni Eddo-Lodge @renieddolodge
Samuel Sinyangwe @samswey
Tamika D. Mallory @tamikadmallory
The Conscious Kid @theconsciouskid
The Great Unlearn @thegreatunlearn
The Root @the.root
Action to Take
Join Stand Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) of Ventura County. Find them on Facebook:
Visit the website, Anti-Racism Daily, which includes this page: 6 Actionable Ways to Celebrate Black History Month.
About Mosaic:
The name, Mosaic, was chosen in honor of the multicultural, multiethnic, and multifaceted representation of God’s people in all their splendor and glory, rooted and drawing life from the restorative, unifying love of God .
Mosaic’s Mission:
We build bridges between diverse people groups by working alongside as allies and partners guided by humility and a longing for interdependence.
We educate ourselves and others in order to acknowledge the historical experiences of each group. The goal being to reach repentance for wrongs done, healing via restorative relationships, and true justice for all.
Resources for Your Journey of Racial Understanding in the U.S.
What have Blacks been saying since the murder of George Floyd? What are white people discovering? And did you know there was segregation in Ventura County? Find answers to your questions in these recent books: