Sermons by Catherine Anderson
Love is Already Here
Message by Cathernie Anderson, Service hosted by Jeremey Kinser, Worship led by Tom Anderson, Chris Gwaltney Are you new? Let us know you were here:
Parables of Jesus The Enigmatic Stories of a Controversial Rabbi
Message by Cathernie Anderson, Service hosted by Jeremey Kinser, Worship led by Tom Anderson, Gini Downing, Victoria Galietta, Kathy White Are you new? Let us know you were here:
Shalom with Each Other
Sermon taught by Catherine Anderson, Service hosted by George Meier II, Worship led by Chris Gwaltney Are you new? Let us know you were here:
Good Friday
Sermon by Various Readers / Speakers,Music played by James Dorward. Are you new? Let us know you were here:
Redefining Holiness
Sermon taught by Catherine Anderson, Service hosted by Erica ConnelI, Worship led by Kathy White, Tom Anderson, Gini Downing, Kelsey Owen Are you new? Let us know you were here:
Trinity Series Wrap Up
Panel by Catherine Anderson, Gini Downing, and Wayne Randolph Service hosted by Martha Bangs, Worship led by Tom Anderson, Andrew Collins, Gini Downing, Christina Fabbro, and Kelsey Owen Are you new? Let us know you were here:
Knowledge of God Takes Us Partway, Experience Takes Us Further
Sermon taught by Catherine Anderson, Service hosted by Jeremey Kinser, Worship led by Rachael Lynde, James Dorward, Victoria Galietta, Harper Ham, Adrian Ortega, Andrew Pineda Are you new? Let us know you were here:
Overflowing Love – the Basics Part 2
Sermon taught by Catherine Anderson, Service hosted by George Meier II, Worship led by Tom Anderson, James Dorward, Chris Gwaltney, Andrew Pineda Are you new? Let us know you were here:
Overflowing Love – the Basics Part 1
Sermon taught by Catherine Anderson, Service hosted by Jeremey Kinser, Worship led by Andrew Collins, Gini Downing, Christina Fabbro Are you new? Let us know you were here:
Why Is It That You Ask My Name?
Sermon taught by Catherine Anderson, Service hosted by Jeff Ham, Worship led by Andrew Collins, James Dorward, Christina Fabbro, Andrew Pineda Are you new? Let us know you were here:
Mark: Who Is This Man? (Panel)
Panel by Teaching Team, Service hosted by Martha Bangs, Worship led by Kathy White, Jared Bangs, & Gini Downing Are you new? Let us know you were here:
How Do We Live with Resurrection?
Sermon taught by Catherine Anderson, Service hosted by Erica Connell, Worship led by Andrew Collins, James Dorward, Victoria Galietta Are you new? Let us know you were here:
A Tale of Two Trials
Sermon taught by Catherine Anderson, Service hosted by Martha Bangs, Worship led by Kathy White, Tom Anderson, Victoria Gallietta, Gini Downing, & James Dorward Are you new? Let us know you were here:
More Questions Than Answers
Sermon taught by Catherine Anderson, Service hosted by Martha Bangs, Worship led by Jared Bangs, Kelsey Owen, & Gini Downing Are you new? Let us know you were here:
Palm Sunday
Sermon taught by Catherine Anderson, Service hosted by Erica Connell, Worship led by Tom Anderson, Andrew Collins Are you new? Let us know you were here:
What the Cross Means to Me
Sermon taught by Catherine Anderson, Service hosted by Jeremey Kinser, Worship led by Tom Anderson, James Dorward, Gini Downing, Andrew Pineda, Kathy White Are you new? Let us know you were here: