Sermons by Gini Downing (Page 2)

How Firm Our Foundation?

Sermon taught by Gini Downing, Service hosted by Jeremey Kinser, Worship led by Andrew Collins, James Dorward, Christina Fabbro Are you new? Let us know you were here:

The Meaning of All

Sermon taught by Gini Downing, Service hosted by Erica Connell, Worship led by Jared Bangs, James Dorward Are you new? Let us know you were here:

Contemplative Sunday

Led by Gini Downing, Music by James Dorward. Are you new? Let us know you were here:

The Way of Life

Led by Gini Downing, Music by Tom Anderson, Becky Andrade, Jared Bangs, James Dorwarard, Kelsey Ownen, Andrew Pineda. Are you new? Let us know you were here:

The Art of Listening

Sermon taught by Gini Downing, Service hosted by Erica Connell, Worship led by Jared Bangs, Victoria Galietta, and Gini Downing Are you new? Let us know you were here:

Inside Out

Sermon taught by Gini Downing Service hosted by Jeff Ham, Worship led by Tom Anderson, Gini Downing, Kelsey Owen, and Kathy White. Find sermon notes here. Are you new? Let us know you were here:

The Cost of Discipleship

Sermon taught by Gini Downing Service hosted by Jeff Ham, Worship led by Tom Anderson, Gini Downing, Kathy White. Find sermon notes here. Are you new? Let us know you were here:

Contemplative Sunday

Led by Gini Downing, Music by James Dorward. Are you new? Let us know you were here:

Who IS This Guy?

Sermon taught by Gini Downing Service hosted by Jackie Lopez, Worship led by James Dorward, Ashley Gwaltney, Chris Gwaltney. Find sermon notes here. Are you new? Let us know you were here:

Contemplative Sunday

Led by Gini Downing, Music by James Dorward. Find notes here. Are you new? Let us know you were here:

Sermon About A Sermon

Sermon taught by Gini Downing, Service hosted by Jackie Lopez, Worship led by Jared Bangs, Victoria Galietta, Tom Anderson. Are you new? Let us know you were here:

Contemplative Sunday – Lent

Lent message presented by Catherine Anderson, Service hosted by Jeff Ham, Music played by James Dorward, Communion presented by Gini Downing, and served by Jen and James Hermann. Are you new? Let us know you were here:

Ignatius In Five Words

Sermon taught by Gini Downing, Service hosted by Jeff Ham, Worship led by Tom Anderson, Gini Downing, Kathy White. Are you new? Let us know you were here: In this sermon, we get a little reminder of unconditional love and the idea of finding God in all thing courtesy of Ignatius. Gini shared about this cannonball-scarred saint, who went from high society to living in a cave to helping found a religious order. And, it’s kind of reassuring to know, that even someone…